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Massada 天然酵素去角質精華



Massada Vital Prevention - Fruit Concentrate Peeling 天然酵素去角質精華 30ml Massada 醫美系列 敏感肌都用得嘅 peeling 角質層過厚,粉刺黑頭不斷走出嚟!清潔皮膚非常重要,但果酸唔係人人啱用,除咗會有不適感 (刺痛感) 或者皮膚會紅,仲有機會令皮膚 burn 或過敏 Massada 酵素精華 99.35%天然,Ph5.0-5.5 第一次用塊面已經即時有光澤!用多一排皮膚乾淨咗仲令立立!黑頭粉刺少咗好多 De-stress 令皮膚減壓、柔軟 Anti-pollution 抗污染、抗紫外線 Complete Exfoliation 溫和有效地去角質 Skin Renewal 更新皮膚 Rejuvenation 減少皺紋、增加彈性、緊致 Brightens 提亮及均勻膚色 Soothing & Protection 舒緩抗菌、保護皮膚屏障 用法 平日保養:每天晚上使用,使用前搖勻,洗面及爽膚後用塗抹,避開眼部周圍,不要漂洗,根據皮膚類型塗抹合適護理霜 角質層嚴重時:厚敷5- 10分鐘抹走 主要成份 紅苺酵素 - 因為有蛋白酶,溫和得黎又有效果嘅peeling成份,抗炎抗菌,提亮去角質 山桑子精華 - 豐富花青素,超級抗氧化,退紅舒緩,抗UVA 仙人掌精華 - 超多功效(有脂肪酸、黃酮類化合物、維B、C、氨基酸) 抗菌抗氧化抗癌,修復,淡印,皮膚再生,舒緩去紅,保濕 甘蔗精華 - 保濕鎖水,煥膚 小核菌膠 - 超強吸濕分子,抗炎 銀杏葉精華 - 又係超強抗氧化,再生、保濕、保護皮膚 糖楓提取物 - 天然AHA溫和去角質,增加皮膚彈性 大馬士革玫瑰油&花水- 美白保濕收毛孔 白茶精華 - 抗氧化、抗炎 葡萄柚精華- 清潔皮膚,防黑頭粉刺 Wonderfully renewed skin thanks to this natural fruit-based face scrub with powerful biotechnological active ingredients. Formulated with pomegranate enzymes and lemon and orange extracts, it removes dead skin cells and roughness, providing softness and comfort to the skin. Sustainably grown Turkish rose has a powerful stress-relieving and anti-pollution effect, fighting signs of fatigue, blemishes and dehydration to make skin look youthful, glowing and radiant. MAIN INGREDIENTS Pomegranate enzymes, AHAs (orange, lemon, blueberry, cane sugar, sugar maple), Turkish rose, pennywort, ginko biloba, white tea. METHOD OF USE Shake before use and, with a clean and toned face, apply every night avoiding the area around the eyes. Do not rinse. Then apply the appropriate Massada treatment cream according to your skin type



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